Pediatrician Ear Piercing Services in Northeastern PA
Ear piercings are incredibly common. Many children want their own studs if their parents, friends, or older siblings have pierced ears. Sometimes, parents will even choose to have their child’s ears pierced as infants for cultural or aesthetic reasons. While ear piercings are not medically necessary, a pediatrician’s office is one of the best places to receive ear piercing for infants and children.
At PAK Pediatrics, we offer pediatrician ear piercing in Kingston and Pittston to our patients with parental consent. As long as the child has had three tetanus immunizations, we can do the procedure as early as 6 months of age.
The Risks of Children’s Ear Piercing
Taking your young child to get their ears pierced should not be a spur-of-the-moment decision. There are a variety of risks associated with piercing so young, so you want to ensure it’s something you and your child are ready for.


One of the most common risks of children’s ear piercings is infection. Although this risk comes with piercings for any age, it is especially higher with younger children. Children are often not old enough or responsible enough to care for piercings on their own, meaning it becomes the parent or guardian’s sole responsibility to keep them clean. 

Allergic Reactions

Once your child’s ears are pierced, it is essential to check for allergic reactions. Many metal allergies do not develop until after the piercing is done. To minimize the risk of an allergic reaction in your child, our team uses only surgical stainless steel jewelry or 24k gold-plated surgical steel.


Another risk associated with child ear piercings is tearing at the site. If the earring gets pulled or snagged, it could rip the piercing. It’s crucial to ensure your child only wears studs until they are older, as dangling earrings are more dangerous.

Why a Pediatrician Should Pierce Your Child’s Ears
Why a Pediatrician Should Pierce Your Child’s Ears
As medical professionals, our team is trained to provide the best care for your child, including infant
ear piercings, which retail jewelry stores typically lack.

One benefit of visiting your pediatrician for children’s ear piercings is that they are already familiar with your child and their medical history. If your child is already familiar with their doctor, they will likely be calmer than if a stranger performed the piercing. The more relaxed your child is, the easier the piercing process will be. 

You can take comfort in knowing that when you go to your pediatrician for ear piercing, your child is in a safe environment. When you choose pediatrician ear piercing services like what we offer at PAK, you help decrease the likelihood of infection.

As health care providers, we ensure that our exam rooms and tools are thoroughly sanitized and sterilized before beginning the piercing procedure. We offer medical-grade ear piercing, which means we use surgically sterile techniques to eliminate contamination when we pierce your child’s ears.
Pediatrician Ear Piercing Process and Care
At PAK Pediatrics, we use the best equipment and jewelry possible when piercing your child’s ears. Our medical-grade manual pressure piercing instruments are equipped with fully-encapsulated Inverness piercing posts to ensure the safest and gentlest experience possible. The safety back is made from surgical stainless steel or 24k gold plated surgical steel and prevents the earring from being too tight against the ear.

We aim to provide the best care for your child and set them up for success with their new piercing. However, proper aftercare is just as important as the piercing process itself.
Once your child’s ears are pierced, we’ll provide detailed instructions on how to care for them. You will need to abide by the following guidelines to ensure proper healing takes place:
- Leave the earrings in for at least six weeks after piercing
- Wear only post or stud earrings for the first few months, or longer depending on the child’s age
- Do not touch the piercing unless it’s being cleaned
Wash your hands before cleaning the piercing - Clean the piercings 2-3 times per day with alcohol or solution provided
- Ensure the earring back is snug, but not too tight while cleaning
- Gently rotate the post of each earring during cleaning
- Do not pull on the studs when washing or brushing hair
- Keep your child out of pools or other bodies of water during healing, if possible
- Watch for symptoms of infection, such as itchiness, redness, or pain
If you choose not to pierce at PAK, please make sure you go to a reputable, properly trained professional to ensure the health and safety of your child. Never pierce your child’s ears at home.
Schedule an Appointment for Children’s Ear Piercing at PAK
Our ear piercing services cost $60, which includes the piercing, earrings, cleaning solution, and aftercare instructions. 

Please pre-select an earring style from the chart below before scheduling an appointment. Earring options are available in titanium, surgical steel, and 24 kt gold-plated.
Trained professionals perform ear piercings at both our locations! To schedule an appointment for pediatrician ear piercing in Kingston and Pittston, call our office at 570-288-6543 or request an appointment online today.