Alvaro G. Reymunde, MD

Alvaro G. Reymunde, MD was born and raised in Ponce, Puerto Rico. He graduated from The Pennsylvania State University in State College, PA and received his medico cirujano (medical surgeon) degree from The Autonomous University of Guadalajara in Guadalajara, MX. During his medical training he volunteered at Red and Green Cross facilities in underserved areas of central Mexico. Posteriorly he obtained his Medical Doctorate after completing a special program with New York Medical College.

Dr. Reymunde completed his pediatric residency in San Juan, Puerto Rico at the San Juan City Hospital. He returned to Pennsylvania as a pediatrician for Lehigh Valley Health Network where he was responsible for inpatient and outpatient pediatrics. He has also been involved in multiple research projects, poster presentations and has spoken on various pediatric topics at conferences.

He is a member of the American Medical Association as well as the American Academy of Pediatrics and has special interests in gastrointestinal conditions, obesity/nutrition, and ADHD/behavioral concerns.

Dr. Reymunde is accepting new/existing patients to/from our practice. Please contact our office to schedule an appointment or use link below to request appointment.

Dr. Alvaro G. Reymunde is a pediatrician at PAK Pediatrics (Pediatric Associates of Kingston) which serves the Kingston, Pennsylvania 18704 area.