Young Adult Care in Northeastern PA
Turning 18 is an exciting time filled for every young adult. Many graduate high school and either go away to college or start working a job. In short, the horizon looms large with new opportunities and responsibilities.
One of the most important responsibilities managing your own healthcare needs. At PAK, we’re eager to help you be successful in that effort. While most colleges and universities now have excellent health services, many patients and families find that continuing with their pediatric primary care provider is helpful.
After all, who knows you and your family better? In addition, it prevents the hassle of finding another provider who participates in your health insurance plan.
PAK is proud to offer long-distance and young adult care in Northeastern PA. Visit us at any one of our locations in Pittston, Kingston, Clarks Summit, or Mountain Top to learn more!
Healthcare for Teens in Northeastern PA (and Beyond)
If you’re a PAK Pediatrics patient who has recently turned 18 or is about to, there are some important things you should know if you plan to remain with PAK through your post-high school years.
First, know that your privacy is always one of her chief priorities. Once you’re 18 years old, we will not share any health information with your parents without your express permission. Please keep in mind that, if you do want your parents to be informed about your health situation, your consent is required.
To help make this process easier for you, you can complete and sign our Young Adults Packet for 18 yrs or older, letting us know what information we may share with whom.
Additionally, to continue providing you with the best young adult care in Northeastern PA (and beyond), we need to be kept “in the loop” about any treatment you receive elsewhere, such as while out of town for school and work. We also need to be allowed to communicate with any out-of-town healthcare providers who treat you.
In other words, we need your permission to speak to and/or share information with other healthcare providers, including your college health service and non-PAK providers of mental health and addiction services.
If you’re planning to go away to college, please sign our Consent Form before you leave, indicating who you want to allow PAK representatives to communicate with. We would also ask you to request that any out-of-town providers you see please keep us updated on any care you receive from them. This is critical if we are to continue providing you with comprehensive primary care that addresses all of your health needs.
Last but not least, don’t forget to keep PAK Pediatrics’ contact information with you when you see other providers, and also make sure to sign those providers’ own consent forms so that they can contact us to coordinate your treatment.

Facts About Long-Distance Young Adult Care in Northeastern PA
Most acute illnesses and health conditions (including even “minor” issues like coughs, sore throats, and physical injuries) should be treated in person. If you get sick while away at college, don’t wait until your return home to see a healthcare professional.
Instead, schedule an appointment with the college’s health service as impossible, or visit a local urgent care center or emergency room, as indicated by the circumstances. In these instances, long-distance virtual/telehealth care is not recommended.
If you are a patient with ongoing chronic health needs, it’s important to pay particular attention to coordinating your care both before and during your time away at college. You should communicate with your college’s health service before leaving NEPA.
We also recommend working to locate and establish a relationship with any necessary specialists before leaving home. If you need help, don’t hesitate to ask; PAK Pediatrics is always willing to provide valuable information and advice. PAK will work with your college health service (as well as any other contacts you permit us to communicate with) to identify specialists in your area who are capable of meeting your needs.
If you have stable chronic medical conditions that we’ve been managing here at PAK (problems that do not require a specialist – like asthma, ADHD, or acne, to name a few), you can continue to have those addressed through our office. Your usual visit schedule (for example, seeing us every three months) will, of course, need to be altered around your travel plans.
Whenever possible, we recommend you regularly schedule appointments at our locations in Pittston, Kingston, Clarks Summit, or Mountain Top to receive in-person pediatrics and young adult medicine in Northeastern PA.
Please speak with your provider before you leave for school, an internship, a work opportunity, or other reasons. Our team will be happy to work with you to create an individual plan that comprehensively addresses your long-distance care needs. Don’t wait; contact PAK Pediatrics today!